Short Motivational Speech Examples

Whatever tone you need to hear at this moment, at least one of the following speakers is guaranteed to brighten your day. They’re also all incredible examples for you to follow, simply from a speaking standpoint, when you next step on stage or record a virtual event. Time management is one of the key factors to success in any field of work. It is important for your personal life and for your career.

You can really see the surprise in the students' reactions when they see such insights from a comedy actor. Ellen DeGeneres has overcome many odds in her life and created a truly magnificent life. There is so much wisdom, inspiration, and humor in this wonderful speech from one of the world's most well-known talk show hosts. She is an incredible person who continues to inspire millions around the world. Terry Crews is well known for his roles in comedy movies and as a football player, but his backstory and route to success is nothing like a light-hearted movie. The challenges were real, and you can see in the video above that featured some of Terry's best speeches.

Second is a story of adversity in which Jobs explains the issues he faced after being “fired” from Apple. Some people said life would always be chances, but for me life is all about choices. Receiving burns to 65% of her body, Turia’s grit, strength of mind and ability to overcome such huge adversity is an inspiration to all. Arunima survived a horrific robbery that resulted in extreme physical disabilities and was thought to have ended her athletic endeavours. A truly touching speech from Randy Pausch, who knew at the time of this speech that he had limited time left on earth . When the world beats you down, find a reason to get back up again.

Don’t follow other’s dream; instead follow your goals and dreams. For you are not someone else; you have your identity and capacity and work accordingly in order to achieve the real success. Harvard seems to be the greatest place for commencement ceremonies since so many of the best motivational speeches on my list happen here. Oprah Winfrey gave one of the best inspirational stories about dedication and perseverance in life.

Instead, it's you, your hard work, and the risks you take that provide real value in life. That said, when he gets to the heart of the matter, McConaughey dives well beneath the surface. His pointed words about motivation, success, and life being both tough and unfair are striking in a way you don’t always hear from celebrity speakers.

Al Pacino’s speech from the American Football drama, Any Given Sunday, is next up on our list. "If I had mapped out my career when I was sitting where you are, I would have missed my career," she commented. What's more, Sandberg eschews Never Give Up the traditional wisdom of keeping emotions out of the workplace. For Sandberg, you need to care not only about what you're working on, but also who you're working with. And while the messages vary from speech to speech, they will put you in the optimal frame of mind for tackling and crushing your next big challenge.

When his son shouts “I'm going pro,” Smith decides to try and temper his son's expectations, telling him he never excelled at basketball, so he shouldn't expect to. In his commencement speech, Jobs discussed how he dropped out of college after six months, then took another 18 months to figure out what his life's work would be. Despite constant rejection, she kept trying and finally her efforts paid off. Her Harvard speech delivered some valuable life lessons about not fearing failure and persevering no matter how bad things get. More importantly, the best motivational speakers paint a picture that lets the audience put themselves into the story so they can feel the emotions to understand the lesson better.

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